Survey data is referenced to Oregon North State Plane Coordinates North American Data 1983 with sounding reference below Mean Lower Low Water in U.S. Survey Feet to Miller Sands where the sounding reference changes to Columbia River datum.
Mouth of the Columbia River to Vancouver Turning Basin | ||||||
Survey title | Survey date | Survey date | ||||
Sheet number River mile | Channel line | Cross line | ||||
MCR Approaches | 05/29/2014 | |||||
CL_00_MCA Offshore | XYZ | Shape | ||||
MCR Deep Water Site | 06/18/2024 | |||||
CL_00_DWS Offshore | XYZ | Shape | ||||
MCR Shallow Water Site | 11/27/2024 | |||||
CL_00_SWS Offshore | XYZ | Shape | ||||
MCR North Jetty | 07/31/2024 | |||||
CL_00_NJ1 Offshore | XYZ | Shape | ||||
MCR South Jetty Site | 10/01/2024 | |||||
CL_00_SJS Offshore | XYZ | Shape | ||||
MCR North Jetty Peacock Spit | 10/17/2013 | |||||
CL_00_PEA Offshore | XYZ | Shape | ||||
MCR North Head Site | 04/17/2024 | |||||
CL_00_NHS Offshore | XYZ | Shape | ||||
Mouth of the Columbia River | 10/12/2024 | |||||
CL_00_MCR -03-00 to 03+00 | XYZ | Shape | ||||
Lower Desdemona | 10/18/2023 | 12/19/2023 | ||||
CL_01_LDS 03+00 to 06+22 | XYZ | Shape | XYZ | Shape | ||
Upper Desdemona | 02/06/2025 | 12/19/2023 | ||||
CL_02_UDS 06+22 to 10+00 | XYZ | Shape | XYZ | Shape | ||
Flavel Bar | 02/26/2025 | 04/19/2024 | ||||
CL_03_FLV 10+00 to 13+30 | XYZ | Shape | XYZ | Shape | ||
Upper Sands | 03/05/2025 | 04/24/2024 | ||||
CL_04_USN 13+30 to 17+28 | XYZ | Shape | XYZ | Shape | ||
Tongue Point Crossing | 02/19/2025 | 05/23/2024 | ||||
CL_05_TNG 17+28 to 21+20 | XYZ | Shape | XYZ | Shape | ||
Miller Sands | 02/10/2025 | 03/13/2024 | ||||
CL_06_MLN 21+20 to 25+10 | XYZ | Shape | XYZ | Shape | ||
Pillar Rock Ranges | 01/30/2025 | 03/14/2024 | ||||
CL_07_PIL 25+10 to 28+40 | XYZ | Shape | XYZ | Shape | ||
Brookfield Welch | 02/25/2025 | 05/21/2024 | ||||
CL_08_BKW 28+40 to 32+30 | XYZ | Shape | XYZ | Shape | ||
Skamokawa Bar | 02/11/2025 | 03/18/2024 | ||||
CL_09_SKM 32+30 to 36+31 | XYZ | Shape | XYZ | Shape | ||
Puget Island | 02/20/2025 | 05/21/2024 | ||||
CL_10_PGT 36+31 to 40+40 | XYZ | Shape | XYZ | Shape | ||
Wauna Driscoll | 02/19/2025 | 05/21/2024 | ||||
CL_11_WAN 40+40 to 44+27 | XYZ | Shape | XYZ | Shape | ||
Westport Bar | 02/12/2025 | 04/24/2024 | ||||
CL_12_WST 44+27 to 48+10 | XYZ | Shape | XYZ | Shape | ||
Eureka Bar | 02/24/2025 | 04/22/2024 | ||||
CL_13_EUR 48+10 to 51+45 | XYZ | Shape | XYZ | Shape | ||
Gull Island Bar | 02/19/2025 | 04/23/2024 | ||||
CL_14_GUL 51+45 to 55+30 | XYZ | Shape | XYZ | Shape | ||
Stella Fisher Bar | 02/25/2025 | 03/21/2024 | ||||
CL_15_STL 55+30 to 59+22 | XYZ | Shape | XYZ | Shape | ||
Walker Island Bar | 02/11/2025 | 03/21/2024 | ||||
CL_16_WLK 59+22 to 63+10 | XYZ | Shape | XYZ | Shape | ||
Slaughters Bar | 02/12/2025 | 04/24/2024 | ||||
CL_17_SLG 63+10 to 67+06 | XYZ | Shape | XYZ | Shape | ||
Lower Dobelbower Bar | 03/03/2025 | 04/25/2024 | ||||
CL_18_LDB 67+06 to 69+50 | XYZ | Shape | XYZ | Shape | ||
Upper Dobelbower Bar | 03/05/2025 | 04/25/2024 | ||||
CL_19_UDB 69+50 to 72+40 | XYZ | Shape | XYZ | Shape | ||
Kalama Bar | 03/04/2025 | 04/16/2024 | ||||
CL_20_KLM 72+40 to 76+25 | XYZ | Shape | XYZ | Shape | ||
Lower Martin Island Bar | 02/21/2025 | 03/14/2024 | ||||
CL_21_LMT 76+25 to 80+16 | XYZ | Shape | XYZ | Shape | ||
Upper Martin Island Bar | 02/20/2025 | 03/13/2024 | ||||
CL_22_UMT 80+16 to 83+44 | XYZ | Shape | XYZ | Shape | ||
St. Helens Bar | 02/27/2025 | 03/21/2024 | ||||
CL_23_STH 83+44 to 87+15 | XYZ | Shape | XYZ | Shape | ||
Warrior Rock Bar | 03/05/2025 | 04/09/2024 | ||||
CL_24_WAR 87+15 to 90+20 | XYZ | Shape | XYZ | Shape | ||
Henrici Bar | 03/03/2025 | 03/19/2024 | ||||
CL_25_HEN 90+20 to 93+50 | XYZ | Shape | XYZ | Shape | ||
Willow Bar | 03/04/2025 | 03/19/2024 | ||||
CL_26_WLW 93+50 to 97+40 | XYZ | Shape | XYZ | Shape | ||
Morgan Bar | 02/05/2025 | 03/06/2025 | ||||
CL_27_MGN 97+40 to 101+18 | XYZ | Shape | XYZ | Shape | ||
Lower Vancouver Bar | 02/11/2025 | 04/15/2024 | ||||
CL_28_VBR 101+18 to 104+31 | XYZ | Shape | XYZ | Shape | ||
Vancouver Turning Basin | 02/18/2025 | 04/08/2024 | ||||
CL_29_VTB 104+31 to 106+24 | XYZ | Shape | XYZ | Shape |